Diesel anti-gel is a highly effective maintenance product for diesel systems, designed to improve the fluidity of diesel with the help of the latest fuel additive technology. It prevents the formation of larger paraffin crystals and thickening of diesel fuel, thus preventing clogging of fuel filters and fuel system parts. It ensures optimal lubrication of all moving parts in diesel engines, thus ensuring efficient and reliable fuel supply, better cold starting performance and safe operation of diesel engines during winter. Thanks to this anti-gel additive, fuel will only freeze at -35 °C temperature or below.
Suitable for
Suitable for diesel fuel of various qualities.
User instructions
The diesel temperature must be above 0°C (diesel must not have crystallized), then pour the product at a ratio of 1:200 into the diesel system – but before filling the fuel tank with diesel.
This is not a fuel substitute – it can be used only as an additive! Harmfull when swallowed: Can damage breathing system, lungs. Eye and skin irritant. A poisonous for aquatic organism, can cause long-term negative changes in the aquatic environment. Keep out of reach of the children. Do not spill into water waste, sewage systems. Do not allow this product to be released into natural environment.
Please use only according to the instructions. Do not induce womitting: contact Your doctor and show the label of this product. Dangerous ingredient: liquefied petroleum gas.
Product volume: 300 ml
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