Nano coating for polished mineral surfaces ,,AP-30″ is intended for impregnation of low absorption (non-porous or polished) surfaces. Product is alcohol-based, contains strong hydrophobic and oleophobic silane nano composites. The surface, treated with this coating, will acquire hydrophobic properties without changing its appearance or air permeability (and other physical properties), but it will become much more resistant to negative environmental factors (corrosion, sudden temperature changes, etc.), dirt, corrosive substances (sulphur, chlorine compounds) and for salts. The product keeps surfaces clean for much longer due to the hydrophobic effect, that repels water and mud, salts, acids and other corrosive substances and prevents them from entering the structure of the material.
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Nano coating for polished non-porous mineral surfaces AP-30
For polished mineral surfaces (granite, marble, ceramics) with low moisture permeability, a long-term coating is designed to protect against negative environmental factors and provide long-lasting aesthetic looks.
19.99 €
About this product
Product information
Application instructions:
- Before applying this coating, any surface must be dry, completely clean, free of grease and not covered with other coatings or sealants (not painted, not impregnated with silicone, not oiled, etc.) AP-30 can be applied in several methods: sprayer (recommended), brush, painting roller.
- When covering large areas, we recommend using a pressure sprayer, which will ensure better product distribution and higher efficiency (ml per sq.m.)
- If there’s excess of unabsorbed coating on the surface after 10 minutes of application, wipe/polish the excess with a dry and clean cloth.
- Allow the coating to fully dry out. After the coating dries out, please allow coated surface to stay clean and dry for 6 hours (we recommend period of 12 hours) after coating process.
Additional information:
Dilution: Product is ready to use – do not dilute.
Application temperature: from +5 °C to +30 °C.
Storage temperature: from 2° C up to 30° C.
Product efficiency: 40-60 ml/m2
Longevity of applied coating:
- approximately 3 years – granite, marble, polished mineral surfaces;
- approximately 5 years – other types of non-porous mineral surfaces;
Volume: 1000 ml
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